A World Without Men

If it were possible, what would a world be like without men? It is undeniable that men have had, and still have, a significant impact on the world we live in today. However, if men didn’t exist (and humans reproduced differently) I wonder what the world would have been like. Would it have been better? worse? or maybe it may not have looked much different. I know this is super unrealistic to happen in the past, but with egg/sperm freezing, it is something I think is possible to happen in the future. I am going to discuss: The value of men, The value of women, Reimagining history without men, and Imagining a future without men. My initial thoughts are that I think it would have been a better world without men. This is not to hate on men or to say their lives don’t matter, it of course does. I have loved some amazing men throughout my life, especially my father.

The Value of Men

For centuries men were always viewed as the most valuable gender. Generally, they were physically stronger/bigger which was useful for hunting and survival. They held a lot of power over females because of their physical strength. When humans, have so much power and control over something it can lead to bad decisions and influence on society. Sexism was a result that had terrible historical effects on women and families such as physical/emotional abuse. Women were powerless for many centuries and given little opportunity to contribute to shaping society. Now, to this day, we still have to deal with the consequences of patriarchy such as financial loss (past and current loss), war (arguably), emotions through being seen as “crazy” for being a feminist, and dealing with other disrespectful comments by men.

The Value of Women

Of course, it takes two to reproduce, but let’s give more recognition to women. Women spend months and years of their lives being pregnant, giving birth, and raising children for society. They have always taken this on or been expected to. Without women doing this, there wouldn’t be any reproduction of human society. Biologically, women also tend to be more loving and nurturing which is a foundation for peace and respect. Many studies show that women are more honest than men (click here for one). This could be seen as a con but it is a difference worth noting when considering a world without men.

Do Men Deserve Women?

Women have put up with a lot of men in the past due to a power imbalance. Silently absorbing a lot of terrible behavior and treatment from men out of fear and survival. The men, with typically little care, made this even worse for centuries. Now, we are expected to forgive and forget, and let this behavior still occur behind closed doors.

I’m going to talk about what I know for a moment. Men lied all the time to me throughout my life especially during dating. It’s no secret the majority of husbands are always trying to cheat and lie with little respect or care for their wives. The wives have often dedicated their lives to creating a family and trying to hold that family together out of care, respect, and love.

Rewriting History

Amazingly, women have been able to contribute to humanity with such little power. I would like to imagine what women could have done if we had equal power or all the power. If there were no men, I think we would have thrived. If you are interested in reading more about this topic I urge you to check out this book: A World Without Men: An Analysis of an All-Female Economy by Aaron Clary. I have not read it yet and just discovered it now while writing this, but it is next on my list. It, interestingly, discusses how women may not have needed men all along (besides a donation of sperm to reproduce I assume). I think humans would have evolved much more easily with women leading. Because women are so loving they are very accepting of things. They are born to care about people whether they are physically/mentally different, choose to love a different gender, or dress a different way. Women care about honesty, meaning the truth and justice, and helping those who need it (usually) unconditionally. Of course, not all women are like this and the influence from men still has a strong power. But imagine if there was no influence from men and women could have just been themselves freely.

Imagining a Different Future

So what do we do with the men?? Haha, kidding…. but mars is becoming an option…. But seriously, say we wanted to build a future without men, how would we do that now? Would we change their biological genetics to be more predominantly like the ones women have? Would we wipe everyone’s brains from remembering the terrible things that happened because of men so we could all start with a clean slate? Or maybe we have a planet for women and a planet for men and call it a day. Would you support a future without men in it? I wonder about the genetic consequence of such an action of reducing the gene pool drastically. Would it be beneficial or only hurt us more? I don’t know the future, but I think it’s about time women were given a chance to create the future they want.

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