Since the start of covid-19, animals in shelters all over the world have been affected significantly by the pandemic. This is something I don't believe should be forgotten and serves as an important opportunity for animals. Pandemic pets have been talked about in the media for some time during the pandemic and it might be a missed opportunity if it is not continued to be talked about and if the community cannot step up to take care of such a large group of animals. I will be introducing who pandemic pets are, why they exist, and how we could help

Parks are great; they encourage exercise, socializing, and enjoyment of the outdoors. Keeping the parks safe for everyone to use has been an ongoing battle throughout the years. This is extremely important to me because my dog and I live in a city. This means that for a large part of the dogs in the community, these parks are shared backyards. As a result, all off-leash dog parks deserve to be given the same amount of respect and care as other parks such as enclosed parks for children. Personally, I find myself using dog parks the most so they will

I was hired on by two large corporations following my internship. I have spent 4 years of my life working with corporations to produce products. Giving up these career paths improved the quality of my health, the communities health, my independence, and my action toward supporting my values. This was a life-changing experience for me; quitting was a decision I had to be confident about. I may have spent years preparing for a specific career, but I can change. I have learned over the years that if I want to change, I have to be that change and support it. The

Interview environments often put pressure on the candidate(s). In some cases, this makes sense, life can be competitive. However, I believe a more successful investment that an interview process would benefit from would consist of leveling the playing field. By this, I mean, after the candidate is done ‘wowing’ a company during the interview questions from the employer, they could be asking them some questions of their own. After all, the long-term outcome, of getting to know each other better, is likely in the best interest of both parties. This should be taken in a professional manner and express how