Lazy People go to the Gym
For years I never went to the gym. I always got my exercise through my daily life doing chores, walking my dog, biking/walking to work, and having a full-time physical job. When others mentioned to me that they go to the gym (daily) I never could relate to why or how they did this. I understand some people spend a lot of time sitting and would go to the gym for health reasons rather than physical appearance, but every day for hours? It makes me worry that it has hurt society. I know it sounds weird to say lazy people go to the gym because it is a lot of work… but I’m saying it.
Self Benefit or Serve Others
Say you commit yourself to going to the gym for an hour each day and the result is you get physically fit and probably help improve your mental health among other great benefits. You sit a minimum and maximum and have a great balance between it and your daily life. That works for you and is excellent to maintain. Not everyone can do that. I always got bored at the gym and didn’t enjoy myself. I would much rather pick up a dog walking job or volunteer my time doing something physical (ie. help a neighbor or join a sports team). I felt they had more benefits and value and contribution to society. But, sometimes it is important to put yourself first. Sometimes I don’t feel like thinking of another way to exercise and just want to go to the gym because it is an easy option.
Gym Relationship
However, for the past few months, I have been going to the gym at least a couple of times a week with my partner regularly. I am not the type to enjoy working out. It makes me feel even more self-conscious and judged based on my appearance. I hate how many mirrors there are. The last thing I want to do is see myself working out. Yes, I know it’s to see your form… but from my observation, it seems like everyone is just checking themselves and others out. Which is fine (to an extent) but it is also very superficial and can be unhealthy. During my time at the gym, I found it is a great opportunity to listen to my audible books or listen to my favourite music. Even though I am there with my partner (which is a nice way to bond) it is also my personal time and has become relaxing. I feel guilty sometimes because I am missing out on time doing chores, hanging out with my dog, etc. But I think it is important to pause life sometimes and if the gym does that, great. I was able to give the gym a chance and gain a lot of positive benefits from it while avoiding the negative risks.
Disorders & Obsessions
Not everyone sees the gym as a therapeutic place and I think it should be addressed. A lot of people go to the gym to gain more muscle than they need because they want to appear extremely strong and “look good”. The truth is, it can be unhealthy and obsessive to go to the gym for some people. I’d like you to think of someone who spends hours of their day at the gym working on their appearance, weighing themselves, eating a strict diet, consuming energy pills/powders etc. Now think of someone with an eating disorder who spends hours of their day thinking about their appearance, weighing themselves, eating a strict diet, consuming weight loss pills etc. Someone who is considered a “Gym rat” and someone who is diagnosed with an eating disorder seems pretty similar in the fact they are obsessive about their appearance. I think both deal with their feelings by releasing them by controlling their physical appearance in an attempt to be happier. I think it’s important everyone is aware of the relationship they have with the gym.
I liked avoiding the gym. As someone who has had an eating disorder, the gym is risky because it can trigger obsession that can lead me back to bad habits. The gym always gave off objectification vibes for me and the fact it is predominantly males doesn’t help. Maybe I would feel better at an all-female gym but I’m not sure.
Sometimes it’s good to be lazy and just go to the gym. Just make sure you are truly healthy and are there for the right reasons.