Wild Animals & Their Fear of Humans
Intentionally or not, humans are currently considered super predators [1] to other animals and are considered an unsustainable threat to the ecosystem. It would make sense for other animals to fear us. We have adopted the theory that animals should stay fearful of humans, in the hope to protect and promote the conservation of their species. I decided to ask some friends on Facebook a question: Here are some of the comments I got
Going Vegan Gradually vs. Suddenly
Questions to Think About: Is a gradual diet change actually helpful compared to a sudden diet change? How helpful or necessary, is it? As a vegan, who wants the world to go vegan NOW, should we consider eliminating the now and just stick to “go vegan”? Is there a significant difference in each individual's ability to adapt to dietary changes based on our genetics? My ExperienceWhen switching dog food kibbles at the pet store, I was told to mix the kibbles from each before completely switching foods. I was told this would aid in the digestion process during the change. For
Humans: Just Another "Dumb" Animal.
Have you ever heard anyone say "It's just a dumb cat"? I bet you've heard similar statements, not just about cats, but about animals in general. I have. Honestly, it's pretty embarrassing to originate from a species that says this statement. I have noticed similar statements that have been said throughout our human history regarding gender, skin colour, and sexuality. The fact that we have not come to the realization that animals should also be respected as equals comes as a surprise to me. Hopefully, this statement will go extinct sooner rather than later. I believe if we invested more time