To support murder and then flaunt a dead person around as a fashion accessory is disgusting. I will admit I had worn fur and animal products. It was a social norm that was encouraged by society. Unfortunately, the industry has created the idea that it is acceptable and a ‘luxury’ […]
Tag: lifestyle
Transformed Lives: How Embracing Veganism Rescued Animals and Reclaimed My Own Health
What you may not know is I fight for my life. Before I went vegan, I was severely depressed. I had attempted suicide on multiple occasions, refused to eat, and performed other self-destructive acts. All due to being depressed. There seemed to be so much bad in the world, which […]
A Comparative Analysis of Gradual vs Sudden Veganism
Questions to Think About: Is a gradual diet change actually more helpful compared to a sudden diet change? How helpful or necessary, is it? Animals are dying horrible deaths unnecessarily for our appetites. As a vegan, who wants the world to go vegan NOW, I wonder if it would actually […]
Inclusive Activist Methods for Every Individual
The idea of activism might seem intimidating at first. However, there are many different types of activism you can do to help create changes in the world. Whatever your personality is; you can find something to do to help an important cause you care about. Consumer Purchasing – Every day […]