Technology has changed society, especially the way we socialize. It is common to own a personal phone, tablet, or computer. Devices such as smartphones, tablets or ipads, and laptops or computers have opened doors to a variety of possibilities to build relationships such as friendships, acquaintances, and romance. A lot of us are capable of having more interactions with people online than in-person. There are many pros and cons to this that explain why it is currently found to be our preferred method to build and maintain relationships. However, this comes with ethical dilemmas such as disclosing online relationships to

I decided to share a list of ideas that may help maintain good mental health. For many of us, we may feel really good after a certain therapy session or positive experience we had but may struggle to maintain that headspace. I can definitely relate to this and appreciate it when others share their suggestions. We are all unique in what works for us but maybe something from my list will help another. I do not suggest these ideas as a replacement for therapy or medications. 1. Get to know yourselfReview your day and check in with your feelings often.

I was hired on by two large corporations following my internship. I have spent 4 years of my life working with corporations to produce products. Giving up these career paths improved the quality of my health, the communities health, my independence, and my action toward supporting my values. This was a life-changing experience for me; quitting was a decision I had to be confident about. I may have spent years preparing for a specific career, but I can change. I have learned over the years that if I want to change, I have to be that change and support it. The

Please note, if you are on medication for depression, I am not advising you to go off prescribed treatments. I am suggesting the re-enforcement of nutrients for your body. If you are concerned about a diet change, please consult your doctor first. A healthy diet that is recommended by The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture of the United Nations (USDA) consists of at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day [1]. Finding the motivation to prepare these healthy meals is difficult for me when I am depressed. Salads and wraps are something I can whip