Life Advice From Non-Vegans to Vegans
A non-vegan logic of what is wrong with vegan animal rights activists. All these things are true advice spoken while advocating for the basic rights of animals & ending speciesism. Let me know what advice they tell you while driving by in their truck! So without further adieu
Going Vegan Gradually vs. Suddenly
Questions to Think About: Is a gradual diet change actually helpful compared to a sudden diet change? How helpful or necessary, is it? As a vegan, who wants the world to go vegan NOW, should we consider eliminating the now and just stick to “go vegan”? Is there a significant difference in each individual's ability to adapt to dietary changes based on our genetics? My ExperienceWhen switching dog food kibbles at the pet store, I was told to mix the kibbles from each before completely switching foods. I was told this would aid in the digestion process during the change. For